Sunday, September 25, 2011

Zoe Made Her First Video!


Zoe made her first video this evening. She used pictures from the internet, and the song 'Because of Your Love' by Phil Whickham.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Some observations during the Daniel Fast - Day 2

So, the Lord has really blessed us at this point in our fast. Its day 2, so very early... but there is already more proof that God is amazing.

Here are the scripture passages that came up in my Daily Bible App that I use every day. Amazingly applicable scriptures for the fast.

Day 1 of the fast:
1 Timothy 1:17 "To the King of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen."

The overarching purpose of our fast and lives brought back to light on morning 1 of our fast! He is amazing.

My Utmost for His Highest verse for July 5, 2011:
Psalm 37:5 "Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass."

Wow! A promise on day 1 that our fast will be successful as our overarching goal is to fully devote ourselves to Him. God is so awesome!

Day 2 of the fast:

Verse for July 6, 2011 from Daily Bible App:
Psalm 94:14-15 "For the Lord will not forsake His people; He will not abandon His heritage...".

Another promise of God's presence and blessing during our fast.

My Utmost for His Highest verse for July 6, 2011:
Isaiah 35:7 "And the parched ground shall become a pool."
A seemingly odd verse for the day.. until you read the thought by Oswald Chambers, which focuses on and talks about how God will take us to the vision He has for our lives. Sometimes through the dry, parched valley and desert; sometimes through the floods of blessing. Either way... God is preparing us for what He has for us.

So as we are slightly "parching our dry land".. I know that the Lord will be with us and get us to the destination He has for us spiritually AND there will be points of flooding and blessing.

What amazing thoughts and verses for the start of a Daniel Fast! God is incredible! And so in the details of our lives!

Thank and praises to the Lord Most High!

Being Led to a Lifestyle Nutrition Change

So, after praying and seeking the Lord over the last several weeks and months, I have been led to make some changes in my life. Spiritually and physically. The Lord has been working on me over the past 4 months especially to start to activate my faith and attention to my physical health and diet AND to taking it to the next level spiritually.

That is why the Mingus Family has started the Daniel Fast as of July 5, 2011. This is a fast that has gotten a lot of momentum and attention lately. Information can be found easily by googling "Daniel Fast". Basically it is a period of time (usually 10 or 21 days) that a person chooses to go on a vegan diet with a few more restrictions for the purpose of going deeper with God AND for me; for the purpose of beating and driving down what Jentezen Franklin calls "King Stomach". For too long I have worked on other aspects of my life, but NOT this one. For too long I have been a slave to my stomach and hunger desires. That is why I am way overweight and limited in some of the things that I can do physically at times. With God's help... NO LONGER will I be slave to King Stomach.

So for the next 10 days or so, we will be eating only fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains. We will be drinking only water during this time (preferably filtered water). Its only day 2, but the Lord has blessed up to this point.

So pray for the Mingus family as we seek the Lord more fully in our lives and ask Him for the following outcomes:

Lord help and replace: the hunger pains; the caffeine withdrawal; the sweets craving; the boredom and habit eating.

Lord help us to have a hunger for You; Your Word and Your will. Help us to surrender ALL to you.

Lord help this to be the first step of the rest of my life of better health and deeper life in Christ.

May I seek Him every morning and every moment for strength and guiding. May I stay positive, kind, loving and sharp in my dealings with family and others.

May I gain a desire for healthy foods and actions.

To God be the Glory!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2009 Mingus Girls

Christmas 2009 in Spring Hill, Kansas.

During big snow storm weekend.

Video will start after about 13 seconds. Patience is a virtue you know.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Heritage Christian School Spring Concert

Heritage Christian School Spring Concert Elementary Band April 27, 2009 Starring: Taylor Mingus on Flute (Far Left of Front Row) Zoe Mingus on Alto Saxophone (Far Right of Front Row)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

1 Timothy 1 thoughts David R Mingus

1 Timothy chapter 1 Notes and Thoughts

Vs 1—I was stuck by the reference to Christ as “our hope”. Hope in the NT is often the 2nd Coming, but I the hope of the 2nd coming is meant to be hope that sustains our heart in the day to day.

Vs. 2—describes Timothy as true son in faith…in my NKJV I have a note written to contrast him with Demas in 2 Tim 4.10 who loved this present world…may we all be Timothy’s.
In his letters to the churches he begins with grace and peace, but to Timothy (both times) and Titus he adds mercy. Grace, mercy, and peace are our treasure chests, the bank account of the cross, with which we are truly rich

Vs. 3--I Like your reference to remain in Ephesus…I hadn’t seen that in my reading, we must remain with God in the place he puts us (reminds me of Jeremiah 9.2)
In vs. 3-4, I like the importance of doctrine, especially since he is going to talk about the importance of love. We both need love and doctrine (I like the KJV, NKJV doctrine rather then the newer teaching because it emphasizes the content factor better and that is what I think is Paul’s concern here—the content of the faith, teaching always sounds to me like a verb, the act of teaching). Your reference to Eph 4.15 which also notes this, speaking the truth in love, was very true…we must be balance.

Vs. 5-8—Here Paul notes that love is the goal of the law (as in Romans 13.8-10, Gal. 5.14) but here also he highlights the importance of the law. Law is used different ways in the NT. It can refer to the first 5 books of the Bible, but normally, as here, it means the commandments, the orders, of God wherever they are located in the Bible. The Law is not against love, but gives us a practical way to show the love of God (see Leviticus 19.9-18 as an example). We need to focus on love, but also need to learn the commandments that we can love “from a good conscience and from sincere faith”. For example, say a Christian sees another believer in sin. They may think…I want to love them so I’m not going to say anything…where the commandments teach us to rebuke our fellow Christian (I’m thinking here of the beginning verses in Luke 17), that this is really love, for it will force them to Christ. We need to use the law to help us love as we follow Christ.

Vs. 9-11…this reflects the NT’s consistent teaching of the Law and the Gospel used together. The Law alone is what breaks the sinner’s heart (Jeremiah 23.29), shows them their utter desperation and hopelessness apart from God, and shows them their need for a Savior. This is what Paul means by “the law is not made for a righteous person, but for the lawless…” in vs. 9. Thus all people need “the glorious gospel of the blessed God” (vs. 11) and faith alone in the Christ of the gospel, not the Law or our obedience to is, brings us salvation (Rom 3.28). It is important to note also that the fact that the gospel, “was committed to my trust” is true for us as well. As Jesus says, “What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops” (Matt 10.27).

Vs. 12-17—what a grand and glorious text….one of my favorites. The overall theme to recognize is the joy of the statement. Though we can feel guilty for our sins, and what is cost the Messiah, we also need to see that when the NT talks about the death of Christ for our sins it is always with a sense of joy and/or triumph.
In my NKJV above the words “I obtained mercy” in vs. 13 I have written in the margin “are there 3 more beautiful words?”.
I liked your comment on God putting into ministry, it’s true and Paul emphasizes that a lot in his letters, both his introductions (like 1 tim 1.1 here) and in arguing for his office in both Corinthians and in Galatians.
In vs. 13 he again tells us his past. I’m amazed at how open and honest he is with his past, and his willingness to tell others about it (believers and unbelievers). That I can think of off the top of my head he tells it in Acts 22, Acts 26, Galatians 1. He does it because the willingness of Christ to save such a man, and his utter transformation glorifies God and Christ. He followed the model of John the Baptist and decreased himself that Christ might increase (John 3.30).
Vs. 13b—note here the talk of having been in ignorance, which reminds me of the statement of Christ on the cross (Father, forgive them for they know not what they do). One of the devotions from Spurgeon recently talked at how the sins of Christians were more heinous then those of unbelievers, for ours is done with knowledge of God’s will and Christ’s death.
Vs. 14—the grace was exceedingly because exceeding grace was necessary to save such a man…as it is to save all of us. All glory be the God of all grace.
Vs. 15—Paul being currently chief of sinners (“of whom I am chief”) notes the reality of the maturing Christian, the paradox of our walk with Christ. The more we walk with Him, the more holy we in actuality are, but the more dirt and sin we see in our life. Or, to see it another way, the more Light we have in our life, the more we see our dirt. The Christian feels like chief of sinners because, like you noted, he sees himself a sinner whose sin cost Christ His life and blood.
Vs. 16—Paul is here true, his conversion from persecutor to preacher has inspired many throughout the church age…and will until Christ returns
Vs. 17—I TOTALLY agree with you on Christ as King. I am tired of Christians saying He doesn’t rule now. He does rule now…over angels, over demons, over kingdoms. All that happens is under His control. Although as I just look at the verse again, the fact he refers to the King who is “invisible” probably means he is speaking specifically of the Father, but regardless, Christ is still King, they rule together.

Vs. 18-20—shipwreck of their faith (this is where the FWB Treatise gets is language). We must continue to fight warfare against the world for it continues to attack our faith. Without faith, there is no salvation, so faith must be protected, cultivated, and strengthened. Hymenaeus and Alexander are both mentioned in 2 Timothy (2 Tim 2.17 & 4.14).
The idea of delivering over to Satan speaks of church discipline and excommunication. Delivering over to Satan means remove from the church to the world, where Satan is “god” (2 Cor. 4.4). Paul uses this language in 1 Cor 5.5. In that passage (vs. 1-5), Paul has them excommunicate a member with open sin, for the good of the church (vs. 6-8). But it is also for the good of the excommunicated, that they might be brought back to Christ as Paul says in 1 Cor 5.5 “deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.” Church discipline is, unfortunately, necessary but it is always done in hope, the hope of repentance and ultimate salvation. We must remember this teaching as the Church. We must discipline open and unrepentant sin, but always with hope. The Church is the bride of Christ, and must be kept a chaste virgin until her marriage to her Bridegroom (2 Cor. 11.2)